Take the Smarterer BzzAgent test and share your score with your readers. When you finish the test you'll receive a badge with your score that you can post on your blog or website. Once you've taken the BzzAgent test on Smarterer you can take other tests that are related to blogging.
Take these tests and share your badges so your readers can see your blogging skills:
Blogger test
Facebook test
Flickr test
Twitter test
WordPress test
Tumblr Test
And many more!
Encourage your readers to sign up for Smarterer and start testing this skills too!
I've took the test and so far I'm at 749. I am going to keep taking it to get my score higher because it feels good to know that you are smart and I have to admit, I love taking test anyway! :)
http://smarterer.com/test/bzzagent#_=_ ( still having issues getting the clickable links, so on this just highlight, copy and paste in your browser)
So what score do you think you will get? I would love to know and would love for you to try the site out and tell here on this post what score you got!
If you are not already a Bzzagent, what are you waiting for! It is a great website that allows you to put in your info and get products to try and share with your friends, giving honest feedback based on how you felt and the people you let try it felt. I've been a member for quite a while and I really like it.
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