Friday, June 6, 2014

Crest Pro-Health Tartar Protection Rinse

Crest Pro-Health Tartar Protection Rinse: Want better dental check ups? Try Crest Pro-Health Tartar Protection Rinse! #TartarRinse #freesamp *I received a free sample courtesy of Smiley360 .

HUGGIES® Diapers and Wipes at Costco

HUGGIES® Diapers and Wipes at Costco: I tried exclusive #HuggiesCostco products 4 free! Find exclusive Huggies® Plus products available only at Costco! *I received a free sample courtesy of Smiley360.

PERK® Vent Wrap Auto Air Fresheners

PERK® Vent Wrap Auto Air Fresheners: Wake Up Your Space with a #PERKVentWrap auto air freshener for your vent! Receive $1.00 off #freesample *I received a free sample courtesy of Smiley360.